Monday, May 10, 2010

What's up?

Most of the last couple of weeks were spent on working hard on 40 00 N, 45 00 E project. This is a full-length film, which consists of 6 different stories, both fiction and documentary. Right now we are editing the first three films, the other three are being developed and will be filmed soon. Editing goes quite well, although it is very tough; scripts are being changed, concepts are reviewed, gallons of coffee are drunk. We hope to release this film in summer, but not sure in which month. The production of this film took a bit longer than we planned, but it is going to be a really, really nice one, you just wait.

Besides, we plan another trip to borders for this month, as we already miss our main characters, Narek and his family.

The other interesting news is that I also work on a short film about a very great guy and a talented sculptor from United States, Asheer Akram, who is making a metal sculpture to be placed somewhere in Yerevan.

That’s basically what we were busy with for the last several days, thought you might be interested. Oh, you’re not? Ok, sorry.

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