Friday, September 10, 2010

Bye-Bye, David!

This is a very sad day for our studio; David Martirosyan, one of the founders of Manana Films, is leaving us. He moves to another country to chase new adventures and achieve more heights.

David is one of the most talented, hardworking and responsible filmmakers I ever knew. He’s been our friend since very early childhood and worked with us since he was only 13. I always remember how he had to stand on a chair to reach the camera viewer back then. And I’m sure one day in future you’ll need to stand on a chair to shake his hand.

I’m keeping him in our Members page, because no matter where he is, he’ll always be an important part of our studio, and one day we’ll blow your minds away together with something new and crazy. Goodbye for now, David. Keep it up.

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